Buy Gold Silver Bullion Uk
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Chards Coin and Bullion Dealer are a family run business in Blackpool, UK. We specialise in buying and selling gold, silver, platinum and palladium investment bullion products as well as ancient and modern collectable and commemorative coins.
We have been selling gold and silver bullion in the UK and worldwide for over 50 years and are a multiple award-winning company. We are regarded as the UK's No. 1 Bullion Dealer winning Bullion Dealer of the Year in 2018 for the 4th Year running! If you are looking to invest in gold and silver, you can buy bullion today safely and discreetly either in our showroom or online.
"Highly successful online trading site for physical gold and silver...Overcame key technological hurdles to link securely an investor's name with his or her holding, stored in a vault in London, New York, Singapore..."
The cost of ownership for the average BullionVault user who buys gold through our order board and owns it for 5 years works out at 0.32% per annum - which includes all dealing, storage and insurance costs.
According to the insurance actuaries who evaluate them the professional bullion vaults are the safest place in the world to store gold, so insurance costs much less. We include it in your storage fee, which saves you money and a great deal of time.
But you do not have to deal gold in dollars. At BullionVault, there is also deep and direct gold liquidity in Pounds Sterling, Euros and Yen which means you eliminate that unnecessary and costly currency conversion.
BullionVault offers a marketplace exchange in accredited, pre-vaulted, privately owned, professional market bullion. You get to deal directly with another user who wants to sell when you want to buy, and vice-versa. You both save money by cutting out the middleman, both when you buy and when you sell.
Our website makes using an exchange very simple and safe for you, and people from all over the world have quickly got the hang of it and empowered themselves to deal gold cheaper. Open exchanges and competing quotes get you better prices. That's why we do it this way. But if you're a bit nervous just call us. We're more than happy to help you through your deal on the telephone.
BullionVault's robots usually quote prices in larger quantities than most clients do; sufficient to deal $2m worth instantaneously when world bullion markets are open. In normal circumstances they quote prices 24/7 and offer the most dependable and instantly accessible medium-size liquidity of any bullion trading environment anywhere in the world.
Sometimes, like on the day Lehman Brothers went bust, clients acquire all the immediately available stock from our robots. Although we immediately buy new stock to replace what was sold it takes 48 hours to be delivered, and because the gold is not yet in the vault the robots have no stock to sell.
Finally we offer a special service for larger clients. They can telephone deal through us directly on the London Spot Market. During the London trading day they can deal whole bars of gold (400 oz multiples), half pallets of silver (16,000 oz multiples) or a minimum of 4 bars (18.66 kg) of platinum or palladium at the world market price.
Suppose a wealthy client had 400 oz of gold in BullionVault already, but with heavy demand from buyers there were few offers on the Order Board. The cheapest gold on BullionVault would start to drift above the world market price, as bidders bid over the world price. But the wealthy client can execute a spot market order to buy at the world market price, and offer the gold they already own in the vault to other BullionVault users for a small but easy profit.
BullionVault itself is the main user of this open-ended structure, which lets us manage our own inventory to act as a buffer between the smaller investment sizes typical of retail investors, and the larger settlement quanta of the professional bullion market.
However any BullionVault user who wishes to make or take delivery of 1 bar of gold (400 oz), a half pallet of silver (16,000 oz) or a minimum of 4 bars (18.66 kg) of platinum or palladium can use the same open-ended nature of the system by settling their professional spot market trades directly into or out of the vault.
Coins and small bars are normally 7% more expensive than gold on BullionVault. Dealers also tend to buy back at a discount of about 1%. BullionVault prices can be compared reliably against the published spot price. Our gold buying and selling prices are usually well within 0.2% of spot, and silver and platinum within 1%.
Although storing coins and small bars at home is free, it is not usually the wise geopolitical option. You will probably need to arrange your own insurance. For gold this is likely to be 10 times as much as BullionVault's combined storage and insurance fee of 0.12% for gold.
With ETFs, you never actually own physical gold. According to their trust deeds some ETFs are not even backed by gold; they are designed to track the gold price using complex derivatives. At BullionVault, we don't make something complex out of something simple. You own your gold.
You have not made a deposit of gold to BullionVault. You are not BullionVault's creditor and do not appear on its balance sheet. Technically your gold, silver, platinum and palladium is the subject of a bailment - a legal status through which physical property remains yours while it is in the care of another. A liquidator cannot consider it an asset of the company, so would have no claim over it and must return it to you in full.
BullionVault's finances are very strong. Very few companies maintain debt free cash and bullion reserves - available at short notice - sufficient to cover the gross costs of running their operation for five years without any revenue. The standard equivalent requirement for the banking industry is 3 months.
BullionVault gold bars are all of known weight and purity, which exceeds 99.5%. As with the rest of the professional bullion market only the pure gold content (gross weight * purity) is traded and recorded. The gold in your BullionVault account is therefore 100% pure.
Silver, platinum and palladium are different. Good delivery silver and platinum bars are refined to 99.9% purity or better for silver and 99.95% purity or better for platinum and palladium and traded at gross weight. The good delivery silver, platinum and palldium in your account is at least 99.9% or 99.95% pure, respectively.
Your gold, silver, platinum and palladium are stored in formally recognised bullion storage facilities, managed by specialist vault operators who are leading providers of precious metal vault services and secure transportation around the world.
Professional market vault operators produce what is called a Bar List. It's a bit like a bank statement, listing the account holder's stock of bars, and showing both the silver, fine gold, platinum or palladium content of each bar and the total amount of bullion held. We publish the bar lists produced by the vault operators for BullionVault users' bullion.
BullionVault maintains the ownership records of all that bullion. Each day we publish online our daily register of owners, although we hide your identity by listing your holding against your alias. We also publish the total, and naturally the total matches the total on the bar list.
Your gold, silver, platinum and palladium are already safely in your chosen vault when you go online to buy. You pay the seller immediately with the cleared funds that you previously deposited into the BullionVault Client Money trust account. Your money becomes theirs, and their gold becomes yours. BullionVault guarantees that the deal, payment, and receipt of gold happen together, or not at all.
There is also a transparent public protocol. For a removal to occur a 'Withdrawal Declaration' must be published on the BullionVault website's front page 24 hours before the bullion moves. This declaration identifies by alias the holder who is making the withdrawal. Any user can then check the published register to see that the withdrawing user has at least the quantity of gold which is being declared for withdrawal.
Your linked bank account: When you transfer funds from your bank account to BullionVault the two accounts are linked together. Outbound funds only go to your linked bank account, which can only be changed with a written endorsement from your new banker. Even if a third party were able to access your BullionVault account, they could only sell gold at the market price, and send the money back to you.
Depending upon your tax jurisdiction if you sell your bullion at a profit it is likely that you'd be liable to a form of capital gains tax. For example, if an individual resident in the UK made profits exceeding £12,300 on gold in the 2020/21 tax year - and no matter which jurisdiction they had traded in - they would be liable to a self-declared liability of 20% on profits above the £12,300 allowance. Many other western countries have similar systems, with an allowance and a tax on gains thereafter payable at a flat rate.
Users often arrange to sell some of their bullion each year, but ensure that any profit they make stays within their allowance. While prices are rising this has the effect of providing tax free growth.
BullionVault gold, silver, platinum and palladium are all VAT (sales tax) free - for as long as they are held in accredited vaults. Gold generally remains exempt on withdrawal (though this may depend on the jurisdiction in which you live), but 20% VAT will apply if you choose to withdraw your silver, platinum or palladium bullion.
BullionVault gold, silver, platinum and palladium are all VAT (sales tax) free - for as long as they are held in our vaults. Upon physical withdrawal gold remains exempt, but 20% VAT then applies on silver, platinum and palladium.
A formal certificate changes the legal status of what you own from physical gold, to a security evidenced by a certificate which purports to be backed by gold. Suddenly the law has to consider what would happen if there were more certificates in issue than there was gold backing them. 781b155fdc
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